That's just a few notes, a full Terms and Conditions will be signed during the booking.
What about wedding images?
You are getting Private Online gallery with High Resolution professionally post processed images (.jpg) of the Wedding Day free to download. And a free copy of all images in QHD quality at 2048 px resolution for web uploading (Facebook, emails, twitter etc.). No watermarks. Every single wedding image goes through post processing, it means it gets colour corrections, white balance, cropping, shadows, sharpening, tone correction and other required adjustments to suit my photography standards and my style. Some images will be in B&W or other colour effect. Online gallery is active for 6 months for you, so you have time to download and save your images, otherwise you can extend it and keep it in a cloud for a small yearly fee.
In your private gallery you will have an online shop where you can purchase prints, ''Thank you'' cards, albums and many more.
You will be able to share your gallery with family and friends (password protected)
Wedding pictures usually ready in 4 to 20 weeks, however it might take longer during busy period. There is also an option to purchase VIP Fast Edit at additional cost.
Creative aspects such as photography and editing style are at the discretion of Mario Vaitkus Wedding Films & Photos. Changes to the finished product will result in additional charges.(any requests must be made no later then 7 days after photos delivered)
You are getting Private Online gallery with High Resolution professionally post processed images (.jpg) of the Wedding Day free to download. And a free copy of all images in QHD quality at 2048 px resolution for web uploading (Facebook, emails, twitter etc.). No watermarks. Every single wedding image goes through post processing, it means it gets colour corrections, white balance, cropping, shadows, sharpening, tone correction and other required adjustments to suit my photography standards and my style. Some images will be in B&W or other colour effect. Online gallery is active for 6 months for you, so you have time to download and save your images, otherwise you can extend it and keep it in a cloud for a small yearly fee.
In your private gallery you will have an online shop where you can purchase prints, ''Thank you'' cards, albums and many more.
You will be able to share your gallery with family and friends (password protected)
Wedding pictures usually ready in 4 to 20 weeks, however it might take longer during busy period. There is also an option to purchase VIP Fast Edit at additional cost.
Creative aspects such as photography and editing style are at the discretion of Mario Vaitkus Wedding Films & Photos. Changes to the finished product will result in additional charges.(any requests must be made no later then 7 days after photos delivered)
What about Video?
You are getting Full HD video 1980x1080p ( /or you can upgrade to 4K quality) mp4 format. It is most popular video format and it can be played on all PC's, Tablets, Android/Apple smartphones, Smart TVs ect. without any extra apps or programs.
Your satisfaction is my primary goal. That said, you, the client, acknowledge that the finished product is a creative work, and as such, artistic license will be used in the filming and editing of the video. Videographer himself pics best soundtrack for your clip and only Background music is used at a discretion of videographer.
Creative aspects such as shooting and editing style are at the discretion of Mario Vaitkus Wedding Films and Photos. Changes to the finished product will result in additional charges (any requests must be made no later then 7 days after video delivered).
Creative aspects such as shooting and editing style are at the discretion of Mario Vaitkus Wedding Films and Photos. Changes to the finished product will result in additional charges (any requests must be made no later then 7 days after video delivered).
Drone footage?
Drone video footage is provided only if agreed upon. Please note that drone footage is not guaranteed, and I do not assume responsibility if weather conditions, area conditions, or other reasons/restrictions deem it unsafe for the drone to fly. No compensation will be provided in such cases.
Any backup gear?
Yes, absolutely. I consistently operate with two to four cameras simultaneously. Additionally, I have a variety of lenses, multiple memory cards (with dual recording for added redundancy), and other essential backup gear to ensure a seamless and reliable coverage of your event.
What about wedding booking, fee and contract?
There are two options: contract or email. Contract is signed when you pay a booking fee and we keep our email conversation as a proof of agreement. Please note that a non-refundable booking fee of €200-€500 must be paid to secure your wedding day. The remaining amount is to be paid on the wedding day. The booking fee is non-refundable. Booking fee can be paid by cash or bank transfer.
Bookings should be made as early as possible – especially if your wedding is in summer. March to October fills up rapidly, also Christmas time and Valentine's day period is also very popular for weddings. And of course, for professional photographers / videographers Fridays and Saturdays are the most busy days throughout the year. So the best way is to make Your bookings more than 6 -24 months in advance. However even if your wedding is next week or next month, the date might be available.
Bookings should be made as early as possible – especially if your wedding is in summer. March to October fills up rapidly, also Christmas time and Valentine's day period is also very popular for weddings. And of course, for professional photographers / videographers Fridays and Saturdays are the most busy days throughout the year. So the best way is to make Your bookings more than 6 -24 months in advance. However even if your wedding is next week or next month, the date might be available.
What about trip fee and meal providing?
Usually there is no trip fee around Ireland, but it may apply for far distances. Anyway we will discuss that before booking so there is no hidden costs. Any park or museum entrance fees has to be paid by couple.
The Client is responsible for acquiring all permits and necessary permission for all locations on which the Author will be performing services.
If you book me for a full day, a short break with a hot meal or bar food with a drinks would be very much appreciated.
The Client is responsible for acquiring all permits and necessary permission for all locations on which the Author will be performing services.
If you book me for a full day, a short break with a hot meal or bar food with a drinks would be very much appreciated.
What are the packages for international / destination wedding photography or videography?
To provide you with the most accurate information, kindly share as many details as possible about your wedding, including the country where you plan to get married and the wedding date. Following that, we can discuss the specifics of your day, any additional options, travel fees, accommodation, etc. I am confident that together, we can tailor the best package that suits your needs. As the final price is unique to each wedding, this approach ensures a personalized and tailored experience for you.
Ownership of photographs and/or video?
All photography copyright protected by Mario Vaitkus Wedding Films & Photos©.
The Photographer/Videographer ( Mario Vaitkus Wedding Films and Photos©) reserves the right to use any photographs/video taken during the event (or photoshoot) for advertising and commercial use. The event may be posted online with samples from the wedding on the website , Instagram, Facebook page/profile, and any other online photographers or videographers profiles and used for promotional and marketing materials.
If A takes a photo/video of B, who owns the copyright in that photo/video? As a general rule, the photographer/videographer owns the copyright. This is true even if B has commissioned and paid for the photo/video – as in the case of wedding photographs. That's a law in Europe, USA and most of the world.
The final product (photos or video) is for private home viewing only and it is not licensed for any other use. All other rights reserved.
Client assumes all responsibility for any form of copyright infringement. If, for any reason, the client (or any other third parties involved in the event) decides to restrict and/or to keep all photo or/and video material private, the client agrees to pay additional €300 to Mario Vaitkus Wedding Films and Photos.
The Photographer/Videographer ( Mario Vaitkus Wedding Films and Photos©) reserves the right to use any photographs/video taken during the event (or photoshoot) for advertising and commercial use. The event may be posted online with samples from the wedding on the website , Instagram, Facebook page/profile, and any other online photographers or videographers profiles and used for promotional and marketing materials.
If A takes a photo/video of B, who owns the copyright in that photo/video? As a general rule, the photographer/videographer owns the copyright. This is true even if B has commissioned and paid for the photo/video – as in the case of wedding photographs. That's a law in Europe, USA and most of the world.
The final product (photos or video) is for private home viewing only and it is not licensed for any other use. All other rights reserved.
Client assumes all responsibility for any form of copyright infringement. If, for any reason, the client (or any other third parties involved in the event) decides to restrict and/or to keep all photo or/and video material private, the client agrees to pay additional €300 to Mario Vaitkus Wedding Films and Photos.